I spent a couple of hours messing with the colors on my site and I’m not completely sure I like it. I think I like it. I want to like it since I spent an entire evening on it.
My wife’s response was ‘Eew’ with a disgusted smirk. Hmmm.
What say you?

15 thoughts on “New colors

  1. eew…
    Just kidding. I’m not sure I can tell the difference. But for some reason it looks cleaner, though I am using an updated firefox that I got yesterday.

  2. If ou can’t tell the difference, maybe FF isn’t pulling in the new CSS file. Try clearing your cache. You should see a lot of yellow.
    After sleeping on it and coming into the office this AM and looking at it, I agree with my wife.
    Back to the drawing board.

  3. Too much yellow.
    You know, I’ve tried to think about new colors for my site. Unfortunately, I always end up with a pre-made template. I have not ability with the color wheel and all that.
    Good luck!

  4. I like it. I think the soft yellow works well, more like a pastel.
    It definitely gives it more life – makes the page feel more welcome and not so sterile….

  5. Honestly…doesn’t do it for me.
    I think it’s because the colors seem to draw my eye away from the primary content on the page – especially the yellow. Yellow is my “highligher” color – used when I want something to jump out, and in this case it’s making secondary content jump out and fight for attention with the primary content.
    But you’ve got alot of stuff on the page too – which makes it hard to set a visual priority for.
    One of the reasons I’ve never implemented a blog roll on Boyink.com is because I don’t like how they tend to go on and on when implemented in a sidebar. I’m thinking about a seperate page for them.

  6. I *really* like the part between the left and right panels (the part that is pretty much just black-grey-white).
    Seriously, I’m not a fan of an abundance of color.
    Since you asked. 😉

  7. Wow, 9 comments in less than 12 hours. Maybe I should stick to posting about colors. 🙂
    I think I agree with the general consensus here (though individuals disagree in part):

    • The added color is a good thing.
    • The yellow is too yellow. I’m looking for more of a ‘post it note’ yellow rather than a ‘hi-liter’ yellow.
    • The color scheme should help the readability, not hurt it. The yellow draws the eye away from the content, not good. FWIW, The idea of the old layout was that the content related stuff (center and right column) was the same (gray on white) and stood out first. The blogroll / links (left column) with it’s gray background faded into the background a bit.
    • Though no one else has said so, the red needs to be more prominent (Yes, there’s red. Look at the section headlines)

    I may play with it more tonight.
    Pinakidion, you should go look for some themes for WP 1.5+. I think there is a bunch out there that would give you a head start on a new layout. I’m getting my color ideas from a book that Maria found through her scrapbooking activities. It’s called Color Index and it’s basically page after page of color combos (over 1100). We picked it up at the library. The challenge is finding colors that will work accross most browsers, platforms, etc. That’s why this took a few hours to do. This scheme looked much better the way it was layed out on paper than here on the site.

  8. Yup see it now. I like yellow but not as background. It keeps drawing my eye off the text. But, you’ve heard it all already.

  9. Interestingly, the yellow here at home is much more ‘post it note’ than ‘hi-liter’. It was more ‘hi-liter’ at work. Still needs work, but that’ll have to wait, I’ve got some things in my head to get out. 😛

  10. Color Tweak

    I finally got back around to tweaking the colors a bit more. Slightly lighter yellow and a ‘redder’ red. I changed the border to that same red too and removed the red from the right side bar. The red on…

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