Well, it’s time to update that blogroll again. A bunch of changes. Some sites to add and some sites to remove.
Jared, of Thinklings fame, has given up blogging for this year. Well, mostly, sort of. He’s still lurking at The Thinklings, and can’t seem to resist the occassional post and comment, but his two solo blogs, Mysterium Tremendum and Shizuka Blog are not being updated. I had just added them back in a couple of months ago after his last hiatus, but now they come off again. Hopefully he gets novel #1 published and novel #2 finished and he’ll be back soon.
I’ve also removed Didymus, the blog of Thomas Rasmussen. He announced that he was going to close it down soon. He also blogs at Ministry of Reconciliation, although updates there have been non-existent of late. (What’s up guys?)
Since I don’t use the Scode plugin anymore and that version is outdated (improved version for MT 3.2 here), I’ve removed it too.
I’ve sadly removed the link to Heal Your Church Web Site. It seems Mean Dean is too busy with Blogs4God to finish (start?) his planned move to Word Press there. I miss his snarky take on the church’s presence on the web and his helpful, if sometimes inscrutible, hints on web design. [Nevermind. He’s back. Three days after I de-linked him, he’s back. Who knew I had such power?] I’ve left the links to his awesome tools, the Email Obfuscator and Scripturizer.
Speaking of Mean Dean and Blogs4God, I’ve added it to the blogroll. It’s an agregator of a large number of Christian blogs, including mine.
I’ve also added the Dilbert Blog, run by Dilbert author Scott Adams. If you’ve ever worked in an office, you’ve lived at least some of Dilbert. I like Scott’s humor and his blatant honesty. Be warned, it’s not always the cleanest or the kindest discussions in the comments, but not too bad.
Also in the ‘Fun Stuff’ category, I’ve added a link to Quest Experiences. This is the online business of a friend at church, Joe Dean. He designs and sells kits for themed parties, scavenger and treasure hunts. They are all PDF downloads and are pretty inexpensive.
I’ve also added MTLookup to the Website Resources section. It indexes a bunch of sites that are dedicated to Movable Type plugins, tutorials and articles. Want to find out what folks who know Moveable Type have written about it? Go there to search.
Also new in that section is Planet Movable Type. It’s similar to MTLookup, except that it aggregates several MT themed blogs onto one page. It kinda makes the other MT blog links (Learning Movable Type & Movalog) irrelevant, but I’m going to leave them up for now.
I guess that’s it for now. 😀

3 thoughts on “Blogroll Update

  1. Hi salguod,
    Ya, we haven’t been using the “a Ministry of Reconciliation” (aMoR) site much lately. James has been busy with school, and working admin on the Salt Lake churches website (www.saltlakechristianchurch.org). I have been actively blogging in local politics at evolutioninutah.blogspot.com, protesting a bill that is trying to take out evolution in high schools, a minor skirmish in the “culture wars”. I am not sure what we will do with aMoR. Maybe after this bill gets killed off (which maybe tomorrow when the House Education Committee meets), I’ll pick it up again.

  2. Bye Bye Dilbert

    I’ve pulled Scott Adam’s Dilbert Blog from the blogroll. I’ve been close to doing it for several weeks since he started running ads for a dating service that touted sex as a selling point, but this week I noticed my…

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