Salguod QuickTags with Preview 0.1

I’ve implemented an upgrade to my commenting form that I’ve been working on.
It starts with the Quicktags I first saw at Arvid’s Movalog site. He tweaked Alex King’s JavaScript Quick Tags that I guess are built into WordPress. I took Alex’s files and hacked my way through them until I ended up with a 2 line series of buttons with different labeling.
I added to that the instant previewing that I stole from Greg’s blog. It was part of the equix theme for the WP 1.5 theme competition.
So, now you can add bold, italics, underline, strike through,


links and

  • bulleted


  1. numbered

lists to your comments at the touch of a button! All while watching it magically appear at the bottom of the page.
Now, to work on those notifications …

10 thoughts on “Salguod QuickTags with Preview 0.1

  1. And apparently it also ensures that each post goes up twice! Nifty–now I can read your blog in stereo. : )
    Yeah, you seriously need to get those notifications working. What’s the issue? And why hasn’t MT patched it yet?

  2. MT-Notifier is next on my list. That’s supposed to fix it.
    I have no idea what Six Aprt has been doing on this. They’ve seriously dropped the ball on communication with their customers on this.

  3. Aha! I fixed it. I forgot to add one little line to my template.
    I added the Quick Tags and preview to the comment error template as well. I also deleted the Preview button, since it’s not needed anymore.
    Oh, and the double post earlier had nothing to do with this. I got a 500 error from my server when I was posting it, so I hit save again. I failed to notice that it made two posts when I did that.

  4. Jema,
    In HTML you need to wrap you entire bulleted list in either the bullet tag (UL – Unordered List) or the numbered tag (OL – Ordered List). With in that, you need to use the list item tag (LI) arouns each line of your list.
    Does that help?

  5. Clear as mud! I’m so not HTML-literate! I was just playing around with the buttons to see what they would do. They are handy for us who don’t have all that HTML stuff in our heads and want to spiff up our comments.

  6. They are handy for us who don’t have all that HTML stuff in our heads and want to spiff up our comments.

    That’s one of the reasons I did it, but I mainly did because I’m a geek and I though it’d be fun.
    OK, here’s what you do.

    1. Click the bullet button to start your list.
    2. Click the list item to start your first bullet. Type your first bullet item. Click the ‘End List Item’ button.
    3. Repeat #2 for each bullet item.
    4. Click End Bullet List to end your list.

    Once you’re done, you can see how the HTML tags look.
    Clearer? 🙂

  7. EasyComents 0.2

    I’ve had requests (OK, one request) for the code behind my comment formatting buttons and the live preview, so I decided to put it out there for whoever wants it. It’s not a MT plugin, it’s just JavaScript, so I…

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