Exodus 1-4, Exodus 6:14-27
Ex. 1:8 – How long has passed?
Did he not know or not care? Surely the history of Joseph was known.
Ex. 1:15-22 – They stood up for what’s right and then lied about it?!? God’s response – He “was kind to [them]” and “gave them families of their own.”
Ex. 1:22 – Did Pharaoh’s order apply to his family?
Ex. 2:5-10 – God rewards the mom for her act of faith.
Ex. 2:15 – I hadn’t remembered that Pharaoh was after Moses.
Ex. 2:23-25 – God sees and cares.
Ex. 3:1-6 – When God saw him come over – was this a test? What if Moses hadn’t cared?
Ex. 3:6 – Moses had obviously heard of God. Interesting that the new king of Egypt (Ex. 1:8) didn’t respect the history of his people’s relationship with Joseph, but Moses, several generations removd, respects God. God is evidentally a big part of Hebrew culture.
Ex. 3:7-9 – “I’m going to resue them.” “Good,” I imagine Moses thought. “I wonder how …”
Ex. 3:10 – “GO!”
Ex. 3:10-12 – Interestingly, the sign of validity requires faith for it to come true!
God was amazingly silent through much of Genesis, now he speaks volumes!
Ex. 3:10-17 – Even in his anger, God provides for Moses’ need. A need that made God angry. Much is made of Moses’ miraculous survival, but Aaron survived too!
Ex. 4:21-23 – Isreal – God’s first born son. What of Abraham? Noag? Enoch?
Ex. 4:27-28 – How is it that Aaron is free from Egypt?
Ex. 6:14-27 – The answer of question of how much time has passed: Isreal to Levi (Joseph’s brother) to Kohath to Amram to Moses. Three generations from Joseph to Moses.